This was a good day for the people that live across the park from our window.
A fairly simple set up. You need two softboxes (light modifiers), some body oil and a model willing to pose. Stand your model in between the softboxes, push the shutter button et voila! art!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Another photo with the nudity missing. I promise that she was nude when I took the photo.
Not every photo on this blog is a naken bild (nude pictures in Swedish). I liked the texture of the silk slip the model is wearing.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Another nude, but not nude image. I've sold a few large prints of this photo - it's one of those "safe" images that people can put on their walls.
This was a real simple composition. The 1920s building had wrought iron works on the window and it cast an interesting pattern on the floor. Be sure that you vacuum before posing models in this way.